Utilisation potential of water-atomised metalpowders for thermal spraying
Authors: Prof. Dr.Ing. habil. Bernhard Wielage, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Rupprecht, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Lindner, Dipl.-Ing. Rico Drehmann
The quality and price of thermally sprayed coats depend on the input materials to a crucial extent. In the present publication, different production processes for metallic powders are compared and the manufacturing-induced properties of the powders are correlated with the processability and the coat qualities. The example of Fe-based and Ni-based materials which are available as wateratomised and gas-atomised variants is used for deliberations about the powder morphology, the bulk and settling densities, the conveyability and the processability by means of HVOF and APS. In this respect, particular interest centres on the oxygen levels in the powder and in the coat.
Pages: 37 - 42

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