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Wear protection coatings with low porosities and surface roughnesses, applied by means of highvelocity oxy-fuel suspension flame spraying

Specialist Article

Authors: Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Chem. Harry Kummer, Dr.-Ing. Fabian Trenkle, Jeremias Blum, M. Sc. Max Winkelmann, Dr.-Ing. M.A. MBA SFI Sven Hartmann

High-velocity oxy-fuel suspension flame spraying (HVSFS) offers an outstanding possibility of processing powders with small particle diameters in the range from 1 μm to 15 μm. Thus, it is possible to set the coating thickness more precisely and to achieve lower porosities and surface roughnesses. Particularly for corrosion-resistant wear protection coatings, this results in new commercial applications since the coatings with low roughnesses can, in part, be used without any remachining. The article introduces WCCoCr coatings and, in addition, Cr3C2-NiCr and Al2O3/ZrO2 coatings as tungsten- free and cobalt-free or ceramic alternatives. Such coatings might be utilised, for example, in media-lubricated pumps without any further remachining. The HVSFS process was implemented using a hardware modification on the basis of a classic GTV-TopGun.
Pages: 87 - 91
Ausgabe 2 (2023) Jahrgang 16 Page 87
Ausgabe 2 (2023) Jahrgang 16 Page 88
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Ausgabe 2 (2023) Jahrgang 16 Page 91

This article appeared in issue 2 (2023).

Issue 2 (2023) Volume 16
Thermal Spray Bulletin
Issue 2 (2023) Volume 16
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