WC-(W,Cr)2C-Ni the 'Unknown' Hardmetal Coating
Authors: Dr.-Ing. Lutz-Michael Berger, Dipl.-Min. Sabine Saaro, Dr. Mathias Woydt
The composition WC-(W,Cr)2C-7%Ni is a standard commercially available composition
for hardmetal feedstock powders and coatings, but it is sold under a variety
of designations including WC-'CrC'-Ni, WC-Cr3C2-Ni and WC-NiCr.
In this paper the specific microstructures and phase compositions of the feedstock
powder and the HVOF-sprayed coatings are presented with a view to shedding
light on the still-unknown application potential of this composition as well as its
extraordinary oxidation resistance and advantageous behaviour in dry sliding conditions.
These properties are compared with those of WC-10%Co-4%Cr coatings.
As 50 years have passed since it was developed, this composition can well be said
to be far from optimal for todays HVOF equipment. There is hence room for improvement
as well as for new applications.
Pages: 39 - 42

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