Surface functionalisation of high-performance polymers
Authors: Dr.-Ing Ruben Winkler, Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Paczkowski, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Rupprecht, Prof. Dr.Ing. habil. Bernhard Wielage
Thermoplastic high-performance polymers such as polyether ether ketone (PEEK) are becoming ever more significant in lightweight construction. The greatest disadvantage of these materials relates to the low wear resistance of the surfaces in contact with tribological partners exerting an abrasive effect. Moreover, they
exhibit inadequate properties with regard to electromagnetic shielding, thermal and electrical conductivities as well as UV resistance [1]. The approach for the coating or metallisation of high-performance thermoplastics with the aid of the thermal spraying processes is presented in this article. The method was developed and optimised in relation to the aspects of the substrate pretreatment, the process control as well as the obtained coating properties.
Pages: 128 - 133

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