Particle trajectory simulation in HVOF jet basedon measurement of the gas jet temperature
Peer-reviewed Papers
Dipl.-Ing. Marina Kühn-Kauffeldt,
Dr. José-Luis Marqués,
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Kirner,
Dr.-Ing. Stephan Zimmermann,
Dr.-Ing. Günter Forster,
Prof. Dr. Jochen Schein
Numerical simulation of particle trajectories within a supersonic hot gas flow requires a detailed and computationally intensive modeling of the gas jet. However it is possible to avoid this by using reconstruction of the local temperature distributions obtained by the emission computer tomography method instead. By knowing the gas flow injected into the torch, the local velocity and gas composition can be estimated from the reconstructed temperature distribution, outside as well as inside the torch. The thus reconstructed jet is subsequently used for numerically modeling the surface temperature, velocity and trajectory of particles injected into the gas flow. Here the simulation results are presented and compared with measured particle velocity data obtained by means of Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) in an equivalent HVOF torch.
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