Heat treatment of thermally sprayed Ni-basedbrazing materials / NiCrAlY coating systems for therepair of turbine blades
Authors: Dr. rer. nat. Martin Nicolaus, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai Möhwald, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h. c. Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach
The objectives of this research project are not only to carry out the application of the brazing material together with the hot gas corrosion protection coating but also to integrate the brazing together with the alitising in a common process for the repair of turbine blades. During the experimental work performed here, investigations were conducted into the heat treatment of thermally sprayed Nibased brazing materials / NiCrAlY coating systems on high-alloyed Cr-Ni steel. The executed process combinations yield technical and economic advantages. Above all, the shortening of the process chain up to the turbine blade repair may be specified here.
Pages: 119 - 123

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