SUMEBore - Coating solution for cylinderliner surfaces
Authors: Dr.-Ing. Peter Ernst, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Bernd Distler, Gérard Barbezat, Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. René Schmitt, Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Weltz
Rising fuel prices and more stringent requirements in the field of the vehicle
emissions such as nitrogen oxides, fine dust and carbon dioxide are increasing
the pressure on the engine manufacturers to utilise technologies which contribute
to a reduction in the emissions. In this connection, the interest in liner surface
coatings has risen considerably in the last two years, also in the SUMEBore
coating solution from Sulzer Metco. The powder-based APS method is very
flexible and can also process materials to which wire-based methods do not
have any access, particularly metal matrix composites and pure ceramics.
Pages: 26 - 29

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