Suspension Spraying The Potential of a New SprayTechnology
Authors: Dr. Filofteia-Laura Toma, Dr.-Ing. Lutz-Michael Berger, Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Langner, Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Naumann
Suspension spraying is a new technology in the group of thermal spray processes.
It makes use of suspensions instead of feedstock powders and is mainly applied
in APS and HVOF processes. Apart from development of suitable suspensions,
adaptation of the system equipment for
feeding and injection into the plasma
or flame is necessary. The advantages
and application potential of suspensionsprayed
coatings are multitudinous, one
of the main aspects being the possibility
of preparing coatings with thicknesses
of a few µm and high bond strength.
With suspension spraying, the technological
gap in terms of achievable coating
thicknesses between traditional spray
coatings and other surface technologies
is bridged. In addition, finely dispersed
materials can be processed directly without
the need for preparation of feedstock
powders. Due to different phase compositions
for well-known materials such
as aluminum oxide and titanium oxide,
new coating properties can also be obtained.
Pages: 24 - 29

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