Thermally sprayed protective coatings for drinking water tanks
Authors: Tobias Wessler, Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wank, Dipl.-Ing. Tim Königstein, M. Sc. Hendrik Morgenstern
Within the framework of this publication, investigations were conducted into the potential of alumina coatings which were intended to protect drinking water tanks made of temperature-sensitive concrete from leaching and were manufactured with the Penta multianode plasma spraying torch. It is possible to apply homogeneous coatings to the substrate at area rates of more than 1 m²/min without causing any thermal damage to the concrete. In conjunction with sealants, such coatings constitute a very promising basis for the corrosion protection of concrete structures. The process transfer to complex geometries is connected with a considerable amount of time particularly due to the path planning. For this reason, a software system is qualified for offline robot path planning in the case of thermal spraying.
Pages: 21 - 25

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