Investigations into the coating adhesion capacitiesof thermally sprayed coatings on inserted salt coresmanufactured using the hot-chamber die castingprocedure
Authors: Dipl.-Ing. Timo Bathe, M. Sc. Philip Pannekoicke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Biermann, Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Knödler, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai Möhwald
The development of the coating transplantation of thermally sprayed coatings for the die casting procedure already has a tradition going back many years and, in the meantime, can be found again in near-industrial applications too. Particularly great potential is shown by coating transplantation in the field of lining since it is also possible to coat diameters well below the dimensions which can be put into effect with internal torches. Also for functional surfaces with undercuts, various procedures have already been tried out successfully within an experimental framework. Investigations which deal with the coating of salt cores by means of thermal spraying were conducted building upon this. It would be possible to utilise transplantation for the linings of complex geometries at justifiable expense by using salt as the coating carrier material.
Pages: 25 - 30

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